natural appearance, lasting results
Permanent Makeup & Microblading
The Spa at West Ashley offers many lash & brow treatments to help you achieve your ideal look! From Microblading, brow lamination, brow/lash tints, and lash lifts, we have you covered!
Microblading is a form of permanent makeup that enhances your natural brows. Our trained and talented team will help create the brows you have always dreamed of. From traditional microblading to Ombre, Nano or Powder Brows, our specialists can help create beautiful brows so you can wake up and skip the fuss of coloring them in yourself. Not Ready to fully commit to permanent brow? Don’t worry! We also offering facial waxing, lash and eyebrow tinting, lash lifts, and dermaplaning.

Certified Mircoblading/Permanent Makeup Artist: Natalia Jackson
Charleston Permanent Makeup
Permanent Makeup/ Microblading Options:

Nano Strokes
Nano Brows aka Nano Strokes is the newest technique done with the use of a tattooing machine. Unlike microblading, the Nano technique uses a tattoo machine to inject pigment into the skin. This technique will give you fully saturated hair strokes with better retention, causing less trauma to skin and providing a smoother healing process. Great for ALL skin types, even oily skin!
Price $850 – initial treatment;
$150 – 6-8 week perfecting treatment

Combination Brows
Combo brows are using both techniques of Nano Strokes and Machine Shading. To give you a natural but filled in look. Hair strokes for the natural look, with shading to add in density where there is sparseness. Great for ALL skin types!
Price $850 – initial treatment; $150 – 6-8 week perfecting treatment

Powder or Ombre Brows
Powder brows, Soft Shading or Ombre Brows – is a new improved technique of Permanent Makeup. Customized for each individuals desired look, which allows you to get a natural to more defined “filled in” eyebrow look. Great for ALL skin types!
Price $850 – initial treatment; $150 – 6-8 week perfecting treatment

Traditional Eyeliner
Traditional eyeliner tattooing is good for those that are tired of applying eyeliner every day and tired of having it smudge off throughout the day. During this procedure color will be placed above your lash line. It will brighten and accentuate the eyes. Absolutely not painful! Thickness and color customized for each client. Best for dry, normal and combination skin types!
Price $650 – initial treatment; $150 – 6-8 week perfecting treatment

Lip Blush
Lip Blush will enhance the natural beauty of the lips by improving the lip size, definition, color and by correcting and enlarging the shape. There are many colors to choose from ranging from natural tints to vibrant color. Lip blush tattoo brings back your natural lip contour. Just add a little balm and your lips will have a natural looking tint or a subtle lipstick.. Great for ALL skin types!
Price $800 – initial treatment; $150 – 6-8 week perfecting treatment
Care Instructions
Follow these instructions for optimal results. Please call the Spa with any questions.

What is Microblading?
Microblading is a new way of eyebrow tattooing and a great alternative to traditional permanent makeup. While traditional permanent makeup is done with a machine, microblading is done manually with a pen. With gentle pressure a color pigment is implanted into the basal layer of the skin using a sterile microblade. This creates individual crisp hair strokes, and results in very natural looking eyebrows.
How Microblading Works
The microblading procedure is simple. To begin, your skin is cleansed with an antiseptic solution. You receive a numbing anesthetic. The esthetic technician loads the pigment into the microblading tool. The tool has a row of fine needles. When the pigment is released from the needles into you dermis, it creates a stroke that looks like an individual hair. The strokes are made in the natural direction of your hair growth, resulting in a seamless finish. About four to six weeks after your initial treatment, you get a touch-up session.
Conditions That Benefit from Microblading
Many people have thin eyebrows. This could be from naturally fine hair, or it could result from a hair or skin condition. Microblading helps people with thinning eyebrows caused by aging, alopecia and hormone-related hair changes.
What to expect during and After Microblading
A day before you get a microblading treatment, you’ll need to have a patch test done. This takes about 15 minutes. The artist outlines the best eyebrow shape for your face with the aid of a Golden Ratio tool. The technician places the initial strokes, then you receive an anesthetic. After the area is numb, pigment is added to the strokes. Once the technician places each stroke of pigment, a mask is added. This mask helps set the pigment. Your skin is thoroughly cleaned, and a silicone gel is applied to the skin in order to protect and moisturize it.
Do’s and Don’ts before your Microblading/Permanent Make-up Appointment:
• Pause any Vitamin E or Fish Oil supplements starting at least one week before the procedure, since they are known to thin the blood.
•If you are using prescription blood thinners or were advised by your physician to regularly intake Aspirin, Ibuprofen, or any medication that thins the blood, or alters the blood clogging time, please consult with your physician.
•Pause using any skin care products with Retinol, Retin-A, Glycolic Acid, Benzoic Acid, Lactic Acid, or Alpha Hydroxyl starting at least two weeks before the procedure. After the treated areas are healed you can start using your products again, just be aware that those products can alter the color and cause premature exfoliation of the pigment, resulting in quicker fading.
Brows Pre Care
• Always keep hydrated, drink lots of water before and after your procedure to help promote healthy skin and healing.
• Avoid heavy alcohol and coffee intake the night before and the day of the procedure.
• When booth or salon tanning, please make start covering your face or avoid tanning starting at least two weeks before your appointment. Sun damaged skin tends to bleed and makes the color pigment heal grey.
• Have a snack or meal before your session, getting tattooed on an empty stomach is no fun.
• Please do not ingest any caffeine, vitamin E, alcohol, aspirin, ibuprofen, or niacin 24hr before your appointment (unless medically necessary). These can cause extra bleeding which can cause poor retention.
• Botox treatments should be done no sooner than two weeks before the microblading procedure.
• Chemical peels, microdermabrasion, microneedling, laser treatments, etc. should be done no sooner than 4 weeks before the microblading procedure.
• Please stop using lash growth serums on the areas to be treated at least 4 weeks prior to the appointment.
• Waxing should be done no sooner than one week prior.
• Do not have any fillers done 2 weeks pre or post brow session.
Brows Post Care
• Day 1-2 Use clean hands and damp cotton swab to gently wipe brows every 2-3 hours. Blow brows dry if they feel damp.
• Day 3-7 Use antibacterial soap to gently wash brows in the morning and evening. Use a small amount of ointment as necessary (5 x max).
• Day 8-14 Continue using ointment as necessary.
• Keep the area dry for 7 days aside from washing. Do not exercise, swim, sunbathe, or sauna for 7-10 days. Do not tan or expose brows to direct sunlight for 4 weeks. Do not use any skincare on brows for 6 weeks. Do not pick or scratch at your eyebrows.
• Perfecting session 6-8 weeks.
Lips Pre Care
• Always keep hydrated, drink lots of water before and after your procedure to help promote healthy skin and healing.
• Have a snack or meal before your session, getting tattooed on an empty stomach is no fun.
• Please do not ingest any caffeine, vitamin E, alcohol, aspirin, ibuprofen, or niacin 24hr before (unless medically necessary). These can cause extra bleeding which can cause poor retention.
• Do not have fillers done 4 weeks pre or post lip session.
• Please use a gentle lip scrub at night 4-5 days prior to your appointment for 2-3 minutes. Follow with a thick layer of something extra hydrating for the lips, such as coconut oil, Aquaphor, Shea butter or raw honey for 15 minutes.
• Avoid lipsticks 72 hours prior to your treatment, they can be drying to the lips. Use a nourishing balm instead!
• If you have ever had chickenpox, cold sores, or fever blisters in the past, it is highly recommended to get a prescription of Valtrex, Acyclovir or similar from your physician for 2 days prior and one week after the procedure. Otherwise, it is recommended to get an immune booster (L-lysine or similar) two weeks prior to the procedure until the lips are healed.
Lips Post Care
• Please blot your lips gently every hour with a clean paper towel to remove any lymph from the surface.
• Apply a thin layer of the aftercare provided to keep your lips hydrated.
• Gently cleanse your lips in the morning and evening with antibacterial soap on the first day.
• No application of any lip makeup for 1 week other than the healing balm that is given to you.
• No scratching, picking or licking of dry skin or flakiness.
• No super spicy foods during the first 24 hours.
• No foreign body fluids in or around the lips for 5 days.
• No activities that will cause extreme sweating for 5 days.
• No swimming pools, hot tubs or other bodies of water for 5 days.
• No UV exposure (including tanning booths) for 5 days.
• No laser light therapy, as it can darken/lighten or distort the pigment of the lip color.
• No exfoliants, retinol acids, glycolic acids and alpha hydroxy acids on the area for 30 days after the appointment (causes premature fading).
• No massages, facials or skin treatments for 5 days.
• Lip tattoos normally last 2-3 years depending on lifestyle, skin type and aftercare.
• Exposure to the sun and tanning beds can cause fading and discoloration of the pigment. Once completely healed, always apply sunscreen (50 SPF or greater) on brow area.
• Avoid using chemical exfoliants on the lips, as it will cause fading.
• Do not do laser near your lip area (IPL). Some lasers may change the color of the ink.
• Additional lip makeup application may still be required post tattoo to achieve your desired look. Lip color tattooing is meant to look natural and add a flushed look. It will not replace lipstick.
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