lift, tighten, rejuvenate
Plasma Pen
With age, the dermal layer of the skin gets thinner. The body produces less collagen, and there is a loss of elasticity. This results in sagging and wrinkling. The Plasma Pen is a new soft-surgery procedure that targets many skin conditions, and it has fewer complications and a faster recovery time than fillers or plastic surgery.
The Plasma Pen is an advanced skin lifting, tightening and rejuvenating device. It is a non-invasive tool for treating dull, sagging or wrinkling skin. As an FDA-approved device, it provides fibroblast therapy. This technique stimulates the production of new collagen in the skin.
Compared to cosmetic plastic surgery, the Plasma Pen does not require any injected anesthetics, cutting or ablating of the skin. There are no stitches or scars with the Plasma Pen. As a non-invasive procedure, it has minimal side effects and a short down time. Results last at least two to three years, and many people have permanent results.

How It Works
The Plasma Pen converts electrical energy into gaseous molecular nitrogen. It transmits that energized gas to the skin’s surface from above, without making direct contact. This results in micro trauma to the epidermis and some disruption to the dermis. The procedure is also called fibroblasting. Fibroblasts are the most numerous cells in the connecting tissue, and their primary job is to make collagen.
The Plasma Pen has excellent results anywhere on the body. It works particularly well on the face and neck. Some skin conditions that it fixes include lines around the mouth, acne scars, crow’s feet, forehead wrinkles, jowls, marionette lines, nasal labial folds, neck lines, smoker’s lines, stretch marks and bags and hoods around the eyes.
What to Expect
Benefits of the Plasma Pen include:
• Non-surgical with no injections or incisions
• Diminishes fine lines and wrinkles
• Brightens and improves complexion
• Tightens to reduce the appearance of loose skin
• Minimal downtime needed
• Can treat a full range of face and body areas
• Long lasting results

Frequently Asked Questions
What areas can be treated with Plasma Pen?
• Eyelids – diminish crow’s feet and sagging eyes
• Neck- lift sagging skin and treat jowls
• Lips – treat marionette lines and smoker’s wrinkles
• Nasolabial – diminish smile lines
• Complexion – treat sun spots, age spots and hyperpigmentation anywhere
• Stomach – treat stretch marks and sagging skin
• Chest and Breasts – tighten loose skin and treat wrinkling of the Décolleté
• Legs and knees – tighten sagging skin
• Arms – tighten sagging skin and treat “bat wings”
Is Plasma Pen treatment painful?
We don’t think so and especially not with our #1 device. For many, Plasma Pen is virtually a pain-free treatment and is often described as merely tingly. We see many clients fall asleep during their procedure. However, the treatment may be moderately uncomfortable depending on you and where you are being treated. Eyelid procedures (where the skin is at its thinnest) can be more painful for some people but our device, plasma delivery and super-fine probes allow our technicians to work very quickly and efficiently and this minimises potential discomfort for you by design.
Your technician will numb the area before treatment and sometimes during too depending on the products they use and the regulations in this area. For treatments on large areas, technicians will typically “numb as they go” so that the numbing effects don’t wear off while they are still working. It’s all relative too – think how painful something like cosmetic surgery can be after a procedure when your anaesthetic wears off.
How Long do Plasma Pen Results Last?
Plasma Pen delivers exceptionally long lasting results. From all observations, clinical trials and real world experience, about three years is normal. Once the skin is tightened then it is actually permanent. However, your skin will still continue to age and this will happen at different rates based on genetics, lifestyle choices and free radicals so although we suggest treatment results will lasts for around 3 years, some clients will experience longer lasting results than others. Remember too that in addition to rejuvenation, we are actually helping repair the scaffolding of the skin with our fibroblasting to mitigate the ageing process.
If, for example, we treat your smokers’ lines and you then continue to smoke then results may possibly not be as long lasting compared to if you had stopped. If we make your eyelid hoods or bags disappear then that is also a permanent effect although, of course, they could potentially grow back in years to come.
What is Plasma & Plasma Technology?
In nature there are four states of matter – solids, liquids, gases and plasma. Matter only becomes plasma when enough energy is delivered to split the atoms into electrons and the output of this is a ‘plasma cloud’ of charged particles which consist of free radicals, positively charged ions and negatively charged electrons and molecules.
Our device creates an electrical discharge between two electrodes which are separated by an ‘insulating dielectric barrier’. As the charge collects on the surface of our dielectric barrier, it discharges as a flash of plasma within millionths of a second. An intelligent combination of the design of our device and its continuous direct energy source ionises the nitrogen and oxygen in the air to create a plasma gas which is then both sustained and continuous in line with the unique fingertip control and on-demand nature of our Plasma Pen device. Although we are creating collisions between molecules and causing the emission of energetic photons, the energy required to do this is actually minimal so our device is (and only needs to be) low-voltage. The plasma we create with our device transfers to the skin with absolute precision and does not harm any of the surrounding tissue.
The first and most immediate effect is delivered to the outer layer of the epidermis where we create external micro-trauma which helps immediately contract and tighten the skin. The next major effect is that the plasma simultaneously penetrates down into the fibroblasts which are contained deeper within the dermis below and, in doing so, we stimulate accelerated fibroblast division and migration, as well as encouraging neovascularisation – the natural formation of new blood vessels and the release of growth factors. These growth factors include fibroblast growth factors, platelet-derived endothelial growth factors and cytokines. Cytokines are small proteins that are very important in cell signalling and which affect the behaviour of cells around them. They help modulate our immune response, they regulate cell maturation (aging) and quarterback the growth of new cells. They are particularly important in directing our bodies response to the inflammation trauma that we cause because they stimulate both cell repair and new cell reproduction.
The inflammatory response which occurs during the healing process that we promote also activates what are known as “M2 Macrophages”. Macrophages are white blood cells which engulf and digest cellular debris, foreign substances, microbes, cancer cells, and indeed anything else without proteins that are good for healthy cells. M2 macrophages decrease the inflammation we cause and encourage tissue regeneration and repair. We also stimulate the migration of basal keratinocytes up to the surface of the skin. Wounds to the skin are repaired, in part, by the migration of keratinocytes from the basal layer of the skin which then fill-in the gaps created by the micro-wounds we create. Within the healed epidermis they are, in turn, replaced by keratinocytes that originate from the epidermis.
What can I do to look younger without surgery?
To look younger without surgery, you need to look after your skin. Follow these steps for healthier looking skin:
Avoid sun damage as this speeds up ageing
Get a good night’s sleep – sleep deprivation is bad for your skin
Avoid stress wherever possible
Avoid excessive air pollution, smoking and alcohol
Ensure you have a good diet – bad nutrition will show in your skin
A good skincare regime each day is important
Although not always easy to avoid, the above are the main extrinsic factors behind skin ageing. There are intrinsic factors too which include the natural ageing process and our genetic disposition.
All of these effects can be combated not just with a better lifestyle and skin care programme but with next-generation treatments like Plasma Pen that are able to repair and roll back many of the negative signs of ageing and even prevent (or at least slow down) many of the future negative effects we are likely to experience – especially the premature degeneration of dermal elastic tissue (elastotic change).
Plasma Pen is able to lift, tighten, regenerate and repair practically any area of the skin and it spectacularly improves and brightens skin tone, laxity and texture and dramatically reduces and plumps out lines and wrinkles.
Plasma Pen fibroblasting and soft surgery sublimation is able to address damaged or unhealthy skin, treat an extensive range of skin conditions and deliver a brighter, more contoured and youthful appearance with virtually immediate and incredibly long lasting results – all without the need for fillers, suturing, scalpels, injectable anaesthetics or costly and invasive surgery.
What is the best treatment for crow’s feet wrinkles?
Plasma Pen has an unrivalled level of precision and success in treating and preventing crow’s feet wrinkles and offers short downtimes and optimal results. Plasma Pen soft-surgery sublimation immediately contracts, tightens and resurfaces the epidermal tissue around the crow’s feet wrinkles by delivering controlled, precision trauma to the skin using a gaseous arc of ionized plasma gas – all created by the Plasma Pen device.
This helps deliver immediate lift and skin tightening, significantly combats photo-ageing and eliminates most if not all of the superficial wrinkles (rhytids). Since it also heats and disrupts the deeper dermal structure via thermal conduction (thus creating a dual zone of micro-trauma comprising of superficial micro-damage to the epidermis and inner thermal modification within the dermis) it stimulates extensive dermal remodelling over the next 3 months which includes new collagen synthesis, the production of elastin and increased cross-linking between the collagen and elastin.
This process strengthens, plumps, inflates and lifts the skin’s structure. It also encourages the binding of hyaluronic acid with water which fills, inflates and plumps crow’s feet wrinkles. The dermis becomes stronger and more flexible and this all underpins the partial-to-complete elimination of medium-depth wrinkles and delivers a marked improvement and softening of deep wrinkles in the area. This is a very important outcome with crow’s feet, since they are often deeper looking and more prominent than other wrinkles, because the skin is very thin and less oily in that area.
Plasma Pen also helps activate and release important proteins in the dermis that regulate cell maturation and encourage extensive tissue re-generation and repair. All these positive changes underpin future tissue stability and actually help to prevent and slow down many of the negative ageing effects which contribute towards crow’s feet, which include the loss of collagen and elasticity we experience as we grow older.
What Skin Types Can Be Safely Treated With Plasma Pen?
On the Fitzpatrick Skin Type Scale (The Fitzpatrick Skin Type is a skin classification system developed in 1975 by Thomas Fitzpatrick, MD, of Harvard Medical School), only skin types I, II and III can safely be treated with Plasma Pen. Anything higher and you are risking hyperpigmentation or hypopigmentation.
Some providers claim to be able to treat any skin type. This is generally untrue or at the very least misleading and is usually only because they are perhaps selling medical grade devices to cosmetic surgeons (who are then able to self-prescribe and fix any damage that they do) and/or because the treatments they are performing are merely “spray” rejuvenation only (i.e. they are not targeting the dermis and are only working on the epidermis).
The fact is that people with darker skins have melanocytes capable of making large amounts of melanin. When dark/black skin is injured (i.e. through the micro-trauma we create with Plasma Pen), these melanocytes can hyperpigment or hypopigment. This is because a combination of the inflammatory response and ultraviolet causes the inflammation to disrupt the basal cell layer. Melanin pigment is then released but subsequently it can become trapped by macrophages in the papillary layer. Once the wound healing has completed and the junction repaired then the melanin pigment granules can be caught within the dermal layer with no way of escape and this can cause pigmentation issues.